

* Exclusive price of Online Store. It can vary by geographical area.

*This product must always be used under strict medical supervision. *This product must not be used in doses higher than recommended. This product must not be used in patients with a history of heart disease or arteriosclerosis (only under medical supervision). This product must not be used in patients with active alcoholism or a history of gastrointestinal bleeding. This product is contraindicated in patients with asthma or a history of asmathic disease, nasal polips or urticaria or angioedema derived from the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other anti-inflammatory agents.

Administration: oral.

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No. (SKU) 7502001162426
Features Capsules
Ingredients Indometacin, Betamethasone, Methocarbamol
Content Box w. 20 Capsules